Marketplace launch checklist

Marketplace registration

☐ 11street seller registration

You can expand further your product exposure to 11street. If you have not sell before in 11street, you will need to register with them.

You can check
online training module at 11street if you wish to know further.

☐ Set 11street bundle shipping

If you sell for the first time, you will need to set shipping method and shipping rate. We recommend bundle shipping method and save it as template. Learn on shipping method from 11street.

☐ Qoo10 seller registration

Qoo10 marketplace was founded in Japan. Qoo10 has expanded their marketplace to be available in Malaysia. You can register as a seller with Qoo10.

☐ Obtain Qoo10 API key

Before you can install Qoo10 sales channel, you will need to obtain the API key from your Qoo10 account manager. Please contact with Qoo10 account manager and ask the API key to your Qoo10 shop.

☐ Qoo10 shipping method

If you never sell in Qoo10 before, you will need to setup shipping method and shipping rate :-

1 - Login to your Qoo10 QSM here

2 - From your QSM, click Listing & Pricing

3 - Under sub-menu of Listing, then click Shipping Rate Form

☐ Shopee seller registration

Shopee is the first mobile oriented marketplace in South East Asia. They also have expanded their operation in Malaysia. You can register as seller with Shopee

To know more about selling in Shopee, you can check the guide here.

☐ Shopee integrated logistic

Please apply Shopee integrated logistic through your Shopee account manager.

☐ Lazada seller registration

Lazada is the top marketplace in Malaysia boasting with around 48 million monthly visitor. You can register as seller with Lazada

Shopify product preparations

☐ Assigned all your Shopify products to collection

Ensure that all your Shopify products are assigned to collection. Later on we will map Shopify collection to marketplace category.

You can either assign your product
manually to collection or using automated collection. We recommend using automated collection if you have large number of products. See video below.

☐ Ensure all SKU assigned to product variants

Please ensure that all variants of products are assigned to unique SKU. You need to ensure

1 - All variants of a product have unique SKU

2 - All your products has been assigned with unique SKU


To learn further about SKU you can watch video below or see Shopify tutorial.

☐ Check and update inventory in Shopify

Publishing or linking your product to marketplace, it's advice that you and your team members perform stock count for your physical product.

You can update inventory using two methods in Shopify :-

1 - Update inventory from product pages

2 - Update inventory from bulk editor


☐ Installation of marketplace channel

You can select which marketplace that you wish to sell. Currently our integration support 4 marketplace channel which are 11street, Qoo10, Shopee and Lazada.

☐ Publishing products to marketplace

If no new products exist in marketplace ( you start started to sell ), then you can publish products from Shopify. Learn more on publishing products here.

☐ Linking products from marketplace

If you have been selling in marketplace before installing Shopify, you can link marketplace listing to your Shopify products. After linking, you can manage inventory and change product attributes.

Important Note : Linking of marketplace listings and Shopify product are through SKU. You need to ensure both variants SKU are same and unique.

Daily operation

☐ Order fulfillment 11street & Qoo10

You can fulfill orders from 11street and Qoo10 directly on Shopify. Learn more on order fullfillment here.

For Lazada & Shopee, you will need to print the airway bill on the marketplace itself. Check out the link below :-

Order fulfillment on Shopee

b) Order fulfillment on Lazada

☐ Updating inventory when you re-stocking

You can update all your inventory to marketplaces automatically from Shopify. Here are some ways that you can update inventory :-

1 - Update inventory from product page

2 - Update inventory from inventory page


Video below illustrate inventory update from Shopify product pages.